If you didn’t know, Free Comic Book Day, also called FCBD is the first Saturday of May, every year!

Comic shops all over the US bring in a variety of comics that will be free to pick up for the readers. It has been said that this is the day that makes new fans more than any other day.

If you don’t know where there is a comics shop near you, go to and find a shop. If you don’t have a nearby shop, many retailers are doing online offers and most important to our humble website here, many indie creators are giving out free comics! For instance, Russell Nohelty of Wannabe Press is giving away SEVERAL freebies for people on his mailing list. And that’s just one example! Go out into the indie sphere and find all the treasures that await!

Now, you of course already know that Catalyst brings you free comics and more every four months, but now we’re going to be bringing free resources to indie creators as well!

If you’re an indie creator thinking about or planning a campaign, check out the new Creator Resources page for a full set of free campaign banners!